My Daily Disney

A Disney Fan's Blog

Animators Collection Dolls

on April 8, 2012

I have started a collection. I usually just have random things. Things that catch my attention, but not necessarily a organized collection of items, until now. I was at the Disney Store a month back and there were theses dolls there, they were the Animators Collection Series. And I fell in love. I bought Snow White, since she is my favorite princess. I thought I would be okay with just having her. But the last time I was there, they were on sale, and I thought just one more. So I bought Pocahontas. I have to say, now I want them all. I look very forward to getting them all. I am keeping them pristine in the box, which I have to say is quite hard. I want to take them out and play with their hair, but alas I will refrain. But are they not the cutest things you have ever seen??

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